Please observe the general rules on information security and data protection. We recommend that you talk to your IT security officer before using our products and, if necessary, carry out the installation together with him.
In addition, you should follow these basic rules:
- Internet access is required for alerting. However, the PC should be protected against access from the Internet.
- Install updates regularly on the PC you are using. In addition to Windows security updates, all other programmes used should also be kept up to date.
- Install a firewall and virus protection, e.g. from Kaspersky.
As an operating system, we recommend the latest Windows version, currently Windows 10. We recommend using our product on a PC with two Ethernet interfaces (Eth0 and Eth1) and thus separating the machine and company networks. Both networks should have different IP address ranges. Your IT department will certainly be able to help you.

If your production process should depend on our product, then you should take measures to increase availability. In particular, we recommend:
- Use of high-quality PC hardware, preferably industrial goods
- Use of an uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
- High-quality and tested network cables and switches
Alternatively, you can also run our software on a virtual machine in your data centre.