Power von SPS und Excel

Using the power of Excel for machine data

Using the power of Excel for machine data

Excel has been an essential tool in industry for decades. But what exactly makes Excel so useful and how can you utilise its strengths for your machine data?

Power von SPS und Excel

Easy handling and flexibility

Excel offers an intuitive user interface that appeals to both beginners and experienced users. You can easily enter and edit data manually or use our DataSuite software to automatically read data from the machine control system. This makes Excel a flexible tool for various areas of application.

Display lots of data clearly

You can create complex data analyses and visualisations and use them to efficiently manage and analyse large amounts of data. Excel offers many functions and templates for this, such as pivot tables. The Excel slides created can be displayed as a website with simple clicks using the DataSuite or used as a dashboard to share data from the PLC with others.

Grafik: Viele Daten in ein Dashboard umwandeln / Graphic: Converting lots of data into a dashboard

Everyone knows and can use Excel

As Excel is often taught at school in the 7th grade, everyone has already had contact with Excel and can implement simple projects with the knowledge they have already learnt. There are also numerous tutorials, training courses and forums that can help you solve problems and expand your knowledge.

Statistics most used Office applications
Statistics on "Most used office software by office employees in companies in Germany in 2020" by Statista from 2024

Get a free consultation now

Your questions will be answered in a video call or a telephone call with one of our experts. Specific requirements and projects can be discussed directly.

The appointment booking is carried out with Microsoft Bookings, Microsoft’s privacy policy applies.


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