Description | This action allows you to write several records to the database in one operation. |
Required licence | Database Feature |

1 | Database | Select the database into which you want to enter the records. |
2 | Table | Select the table in which you want to enter the records. |
1 | Data source strcture | Select the option here that corresponds to your data structure. Array of structures: E.g. one “Array[0..99] of Struct”. One array per value: E.g. several “Array[0.99] of Byte”. Only the filled data records of the array are transmitted. If, for example, only the first 50 data records are filled with values and the rest are written with zeros, only these first 50 data records are automatically transferred. |
Array of structures #
Select this option if you are using in array where each record is stored as a structure.
1 | Structure variable | Select a variable of the Array of Struct type. |
2 | Mapping | In this table you can assign a value to the columns of the table. Default value: With this option, no value is passed from the DataSuite to the database, but the value is set by the database itself. This option should be used for the primary key of the table. Variable: You can select elements from the structure variable. The value is passed as an SQL parameter and the data type is not changed. Text: You can enter a free text, this will be transferred to the database as a string. This text can also contain variables. The values of the variable are also converted into a string. |
One array per value #
Select this option if you use a separate array for each parameter.
1 | Mapping | In this table you can assign a value to the columns of the table. Default value: With this option, no value is passed from the DataSuite to the database, but the value is set by the database itself. This option should be used for the primary key of the table. Variable: You select an array variable. The value is passed as an SQL parameter and the data type is not changed. Text: You can enter a free text, this will be transferred to the database as a string. This text can also contain variables. The values of the variable are also converted into a string. |
1 | No data available | If there is no data in the array, you can determine here whether the trigger should be continued without writing data to the database or whether an error should be output. |