The connection to the messaging service Telegram is made via so-called bot accounts. The use of these bots is completely free of charge and available to everyone. Creating a bot is completed in just a few steps.
- Open a chat with BotFather.
The bots are created via the automated Telegram service BotFather. This is conveniently and easily accessed via a chat. Use the search function within the Telegram desktop or smartphone app to find him.

- start the creation process
Write the message /start to the BotFather. This already starts the process.
- Create a new bot
Use the command /newbot to create a new bot. In the next step, the BotFather will ask you for a name for your bot. Enter the desired name here. This name will later appear as the sender in the chat.
- Assign a user name for your bot
After you have entered the “sender name”, you will be asked to enter a user name for your bot. It is important to note here that this must end with “bot”. You will use this name to insert the bot into the corresponding chat later.
- Secure API tokens.
After the username has been created, you will receive a message from BotFather containing your API token. This token is the unique address of your bot. Store the token in a safe place and keep it secret from third parties.
- Creating a group chat and adding the bot
To receive messages through a bot, you need to be added to a group chat. A group can easily be created from the left side menu of the Telegram application.
After you have entered a suitable name, just add the created bot as a member to the group.
- Make group public
For the bot to be able to write in the group, it must be public. To do this, click on the three dots at the top right and then on Manage group.
Change the group type in the dialogue by clicking on the entry and selecting Public Group on the next page. You can enter the name of the group as the link, for example.
Finally, please save in both dialogues.
- Use private group (Optional)
If you want to use a private group, you can set the group to private after you have configured and executed a trigger in DataSuite. For the first execution, the group must be public.
To send a message to a private group, you need the private chat ID. Execute the trigger and then open the log of the trigger.
Look for an entry there that looks like this:
In the Telegram reply, you will find the private chat ID. You can then enter this as the recipient.
Please note:
Please note that you use the correct ID in the chat section and not the ID in the from section.
Please note that you use the full ID. The “-“ at the beginning is also part of the ID.
To set up the account in DataSuite, select the Accounts menu item on the left and click on Create new account in the top right-hand corner.
In the dialogue, select the option: Telegram -Account and click on Create.